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Munster Soccer Club

Munster Soccer Club Coaching Clinic

Munster Soccer Club Coaching Clinic

In our continuing effort to support volunteer coaches, we will be scheduling pre-season coaching clinics that will offer techniques that can be used when coaching soccer before practices start. This soccer clinic is open to all coaches, assistant coaches, and team parents.

The clinics will be performed by Lakeshore Fute Academy Club Trainer Brad Hoge. He will give you examples of how to prepare for and perform a typical practice. It will include activities you can do at the beginning of the practice (i.e. stretching, warm-up), games and activities to do during the practice, and activities that can be done at the end of a practice (cool-down).  

The clinic will give you a better understanding of youth soccer coaching and examples of games and activities that the players will enjoy and yet learn at the same time. These clinics are performed especially for our Munster Soccer Club members. Our club is run by volunteers.  It will also give you some insight in what you can expect and how to react when working with our soccer youth. 

Without you some of our children may not get to play. As volunteers we realize that you are not soccer experts. That is why we try to offer as much assistance as possible to our volunteer coaches.

If you are presently a coach, come to a clinic to pick up some hints on how to possibly be a better coach. If you did not volunteer to coach this season, but have thought about it, come see how easy you can become a coach or assistant coach for next season.

For the Spring season the clinics are typically scheduled weather permitting in late March, early April depending on the season start date. For the Fall season, the clinics are typically scheduled in late July, early August depending on the season start date.

Please dress accordingly as coaches / attendees do participate in the exercises.

Depending on the amount of attendees we could offer a second day to help accommodate our volunteers. It is not necessary to attend both.  If you would like to attend our coaching clinic, please contact us by e-mail at [email protected].


Munster Soccer Club
Munster, Indiana 46321

Email: [email protected]

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